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Frequently Asked

This Freelancing Made Easy FAQ section is here to help you understand the Freelancing Made Easy Program.

Check out the FAQ and get answers to the most frequently asked questions, so that you can have clarity on what is the Freelancing Made Easy program all about and how it will help you to transform your life to being a top freelancer by doing the work you  love from anywhere, anytime and earning more than you did before.

What is Freelancing?

Freelancing is working as an independent rather than being an employee with someone or some organization.

Freelancers work on a project basis with organizations or individuals on a part-time or short-term basis.

Freelancers have full control over the clients they work with, the time they want to work and they can work from anywhere. They are independent and they are their own bosses. They enjoy working from anywhere, anytime and earn how much they want to.

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

Who can be a Freelancer?

The answer is very simple.  Anyone can become a freelancer by using their existing skills or learning the skills to become a top freelancer. You just need to be the best at what you do.

Freelancing Made Easy program will guide you and make you a top freelancer in your respective niche.

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

What special skills do I need to be a Freelancer?

You can offer your service as a freelancer by using your existing skills or learning new skills. The answer is you don’t need special skills to be a freelancer, but if you have some special skills, you can definitely earn more using your special skills.

We at Freelancing Made Easy will make you the best freelancer either by using your existing skills or identifying your skill set and developing you to be the best and top freelancer in your space.

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

I am a stay at home mom, can I be a Freelancer?

Yes, You can definitely be a freelancer and earn money working from your home in your spare time. You can work early hours or late at night (whenever you find time) and offer your service as a freelancer and earn money.

Being a freelancer will give you the flexibility of working from anywhere, anytime, and being your own boss.

Register for the free three-day webinar and you will understand how you can transform yourself from a stay-at-home mom to high earning freelancer.

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

What is the minimum qualification to be a Freelancer?

The best part of being a freelancer is that no one will ask you about your qualification. They just look at the previous work that you have completed and hire you based on your talent rather than your qualification.

But having a specific or special qualification will always have an advantage in earning more money.

The best part is you can learn any skill that can create more opportunities for you and transform you to be a top and best freelancer and we at Freelancing Made Easy will help you step by step.

Join our free three-day webinar and you will understand how you can be a top freelancer.

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

Can I work from my home as a Freelancer?

You can work from anywhere, anytime, and earn more money than you did before. That’s the best part of being a freelancer. All you need is your laptop and internet connection and you are good to go and work from anywhere in the world and earn money.

Enjoy freedom and independence by becoming a freelancer.

Join us for a free three-day webinar to understand how our program Freelancing Made Easy works and then make a decision to join the main course.

It’s like anywhere, anytime ……

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

Is there any age limit to becoming a Freelancer?

The best part of being a freelancer is there is no age limit. You have to be a minimum of 18 years of age to be a freelancer.

You can start working as a freelancer and earn money at any age there is no upper age limit. There are freelancers as young as 18 years of age and with no upper age limit. So, you can be a freelancer if you are 18 years and above.

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

Do I need to register a company to be a Freelancer?

No, you don’t need to register a company to be a freelancer. If you have domestic clients (Indian) or international clients (clients in other countries) all you need is a savings bank account.

To receive payments, from international clients you need to have a PayPal account or account of any other company facilitating international payments (Payoneer, Stripe, Skrill). They will give you an account to receive payments after verifying your identity and necessary documents.

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

Can I choose Freelancing as my full-time career?

Yes, you can choose freelancing to be your full-time career. If you can create a good client base you can always have a full-time career while freelancing.

There are so many people who left their 9 to 5 jobs to become a full-time freelancers and choose freelancing in their respective niche as their full-time career

You can also do the same.

If You have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

I don’t have any skills; how can I be a Freelancer?

We all have some skills we just don’t think that these existing skills can make money for us. We underestimate ourselves or don’t recognize our skills.

Please attend the three-day free webinar to understand about your hidden skills and how you can make money using your skills.

If you don’t have any skills we will identify what you are good at and give you a plan to develop your skills and become a freelancer.

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

What documents do I require to be a Freelancer?

The same documents that you have produced to the bank while opening you savings bank account will enough to be a freelancer.

  • Proof of Identity
  • Proof of Age
  • Proof of Address

Its very easy and simple.

If required some companies may ask for additional documents (Company specific).

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

What are some of the jobs a Freelancer can do with minimum skills?

Freelancing has a wide range of jobs to choose from. If you have a skill, you can make money selling that skill. For example, if you are good in any language (English, Spanish, Hindi, Sanskrit, Tamil, etc), you can use your language skills to make money.

We at Freelancing Made Easy created an eBook. In this e-book, we have listed   2727 jobs that freelancers can do to earn money regularly and these 2727 jobs have been divided into 16 categories to make it easy for you.

Register for a three-day free webinar and get this book for free.

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

Can I have international clients working from India (Working from Home)?

Absolutely yes, you can have clients in any part of the world and get work from them and get paid to your bank account in India.

You don’t need to have any special bank account you just need a savings bank account and you can link the same to your international payment gateways like PayPal and other payment companies.

We will help set up your international payments and ensure you have a smooth transaction from your international clients.

Just a word of caution: Please check whether you can do business with that particular country or not before going into contract with a client.

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

I don’t know about writing client proposals, what should I do?

Your proposals are the most important in the freelancing business. Your proposal will make the first and best impression on your clients.

In our ten-day course, Freelancing Made Easy we will teach you step by step on how to effectively write a proposal so that your prospective clients will get in touch with you to take the business proposal forward.

We will give you all the tools required for you to be a productive freelancer.

Join our course to learn more.

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

How should I build my Profile to become a good freelancer?

Your profile is your sales page, Your client will see your profile and make a first impression on you. You need to have the best profile across all the freelancing websites and as well as your social media profiles.

Don’t worry we are there to help you build the best Profile and make you stand out from the crowd. We will teach you to build the best sale profile so that clients will be impressed.

Join our course to learn more.

If you have any specific questions write to us at info@freelancignmadeeasy.org

What I will learn in the 3-day free webinar?

Day 1:

Introduction to Freelancing.

On day one, we will understand the broad picture of freelancing. We will be discussing why you should choose to be a freelancer and we will also discuss the latest statistics and trends on freelancing.  So, you will get a basic understanding of what happens in the world of freelancing.  

Day 2:

Introduction to Freelancing Platforms.

On day two, we will understand what are various platforms available for freelancers. These freelancing platforms will enable freelancers to showcase their profiles and portfolios so that potential clients can hire freelancers based on their skills. We will have a deep dive into one of the most widely used freelancing platforms to understand what happens in the freelancing world.

Day 3:

Q&A session & Introduction to 10-Day Main Course – Freelancing Made Easy.

On day three, once you understand what freelancing is all about and have an idea of how the freelancing platform works, you will have many questions and you may require clarifications on freelancing. So, we will have a Q&A session where will answer all the questions and clarify your doubts, and then we will introduce you to the ten-day main course – Freelancing Made Easy.

What I will learn in the 10-day main course - Freelancing Made Easy?

Day 1:

Identifying & Developing Your Skills.

On day one, we will be discussing how to identify your skills and develop your skills to be the best at what you do. We will uncover your skills and assess your talent. Once you identify your skills, we will understand what marketable skills you can offer as a freelancer. We will also understand your skill level and, if required, guide you on how to develop your skills to become a world-class freelancer.  

Day 2:

Importance of Building Your Profile & Portfolio.

On day two, we will be building your profile and portfolio. Your profile and portfolio are like your resume or the sales page a potential client will see before he contacts you. So, your profile and portfolio play a vital role in your freelancing career.  We will also check some of the best profiles to understand how you can take inspiration from them and build your own profile. And finally, we will explore the website or freelancing platforms where you can create your profile and portfolio so that potential clients can get in touch with and hire you.

Day 3:

Learn to Write World-Class Proposals.

On day three, we will discuss and understand the importance of a proposal or cover letter. We will discuss the ways; potential clients find freelancers. And discuss the invisible questions clients ask themselves before they hire you as a freelancer.  We will also explore a few examples of both good and bad proposals. And finally, learn the seven-step formula for writing a world-class proposal so that potential clients will be interested in hiring you.

Day 4:

Building your Social Media Presence & Its Importance.

On day four, we will be exploring how social media plays a vital role in the life of a freelancer. We will also explore how you can build personal and professional relationships to attract potential clients from your primary and secondary markets. We will learn how to build your business pages on various social media networks so that you can attract new clients and amplify your work. 

Day 5:

Why LinkedIn is the Best Place for Freelancers?

On day five, we will explore why LinkedIn is the best social media platform for freelancers. We will understand the importance of having your profile on LinkedIn. With over 300 million users and 20 million jobs getting posted on LinkedIn it is like a virtual gold mine for freelancers seeking work. We will learn the best practices to create a profile and also understand the importance of showcasing your expertise, recommendations, and connections.

Day 6:

Social Media Advertising – Facebook, Instagram & LinkedIn.

On day six, we will understand how social media advertising works and how you can offer your services to your target audience using social media advertising. We will also discuss how you can project your skills and build your audience on social media and explore some of the tools that will help you create social media posts and advertise them.   

Day 7:

Daily Routine – Your winning Formula.

On day seven, we will understand the importance of having a daily routine to be world-class performers. We will also understand what is a Golden hour and how you can benefit personally and professionally using this time during the golden hour.  Finally, we will devise a plan to use your golden hour to enhance your productivity.

Day 8:

How to Learn Anything Fast & Improve Your Skills.

On day eight, we will discuss the importance of learning anything fast and retaining and recollecting the information. We will also discuss techniques to improve your reading speed and how to store information in your long-term memory. These techniques will help you learn the skills required and have better productivity.

Day 9:

Pricing your freelancing service.

On day nine, we will discuss the price (rate) to charge clients for your freelancing service. We will understand how to research the prices in your niche. We will be understanding what is MAR (Minimum acceptable price) and the difference between hourly rate and fixed rate. And we will also discuss the critical things you need to keep in mind when negotiating with the client. 

Day 10:

Useful Websites, International Payments & Taxation.

On day ten, as a freelancer, you will need various assets and services from different websites, we will explore some useful websites which will make your freelancer journey easy.  We will also learn how to handle your international payments and explore some of the payment websites and finally, we will understand how taxation works for freelancers.  

Still Have Questions? Get In Touch!

If you have any specific question please use the below form to send us the query and we will get back to as early as possible.